Our Team

Gregory Durack

Managing Director


Upon my return to Perth after four years in Greece, I took up the role as Managing Director which being a small company a lot of bases had to be covered. The main Project at the time was the Deflector Gold Copper Project, which had a gold copper resource with difficult metallurgy.

A number of small capital raisings had to be completed to fund the resource drilling program, metallurgical test work and feasibility studies.

The gold copper resource was doubled in size and metallurgical issues were resolved in order to develop the project, the feasibility study was subsequently completed, however the economics were marginal due to deflated metal prices at the time and the project put on hold.


John Libby

Exploration Manager

John Libby is Exploration Manager and a Geologist with over 20 years industry experience specialising in the exploration for, and development of, metalliferous deposits. As Exploration Manager for PacMin Mining Pty Ltd (Tarmoola and Carosue Dam Projects) and Batavia Mining Pty Ltd (Gullewa Gold Project), he successfully oversaw large increases in resource and reserves, the definition and development of satellite orebodies and the completion of feasibility studies. As Senior Geologist with Normandy Gold Pty Ltd, he was a member of the team that discovered the 500, 000oz Chariot gold deposit at Tennant Creek. During his five years as Senior Research Geologist at WMC’s Leinster Nickel Operation John gained an in depth knowledge of nickel sulphide mineralisation and komatiite volcanology, and specialised in the exploration, mining and processing of nickel ores.

In addition to exploration, John has worked closely with Metallurgists and Mining Engineers at operations and during feasibility studies to optimise the processing and extraction of gold, nickel and chromite ores, and to determine optimal mining and processing flow sheets for new developments. He has co-authored numerous technical papers on the structural controls on gold mineralisation, nickel deposits and regional structural relationships in the Yilgarn Craton.

John is also the Managing Director of New World Energy Limited, an Australian geothermal energy company, and is Secretary of Geoconferences WA (Inc), a non-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of Pre-Cambrian geoscience.



Neil Biddle

Non Exec Director

Neil Biddle is a geologist and Corporate Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy with over 28 years’ experience in precious metal, base metal and iron ore exploration throughout Australia and overseas.

Since 1986, he has served on the boards of several successful ASX-listed companies in senior executive positions. He was Managing Director of Border Gold NL and Consolidated Victorian Mines in the 1990′s, before being appointed as Managing Director of TNG Limited in 2004. He is currently an Executive Director of Pilbara Minerals Limited


Therese Cameron

Exploration Manager

Management and Implementation of exploration programmes for gold, nickel, chromite and mineral sands throughout WA including the goldfields and Pilbara regions and Perth Basin.